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By Clifford A Adams
This book explores the evidence currently available to explain how feeding animals is linked to the global food chain. It is useful for anyone who is interested in the processes of food production and the environmental consequences.
Only £25/€31.25/$31.25.
By Rick Kleyn, Peter Chrystal
Broiler Nutrition is focused purely on the science of feeding rapidly-growing broiler chickens. It serves as a follow on from Chicken Nutrition, published in 2013, which was intended to function as an introduction to poultry nutrition for nutritionists and poultry professionals. You can order now below for £45/€56.25/$56.25.
By Ayuko Kashimori
This book is a colourful guide full of detailed illustrations and tables that give you a wide range of information on the structure and quality of eggs, as well as what can go wrong. This is an updated 2nd edition of the book, first published in 2017. Only £40/€50/$50.
By Sander Lourens
Hatchery Signals shows the art of the incubation process. Based on the look-think-act approach, it provides practical tools and insights to further improve and optimise hatch results, chick quality and offspring performance in a commercial hatchery environment.
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By S J Charlton and Dr W N Ewing
Using the acclaimed Context Directory style, the Amino Acids Directory covers all the major Amino Acids relative to animal nutrition in any easy to read style and A-Z listing for an ‘at a glance ‘ review.
Only £30/€37.50/$37.50.
By Dr Clifford A Adams
Sustainability and the reduced use of antibiotics are the major issues at the moment. In Context's new book, Total Nutrition: 2nd Edition, there is a strong emphasis on sustainable animal production. The title is an updated version of the title of the same name first published in 2002 by Dr Clifford A Adams. You can find out more and buy now below for £25/€31.25/$35.
By Richard Fuller
This book offers tips on every aspect of production including profit drivers, suckler cow management, replacement heifer management, calf management, genetic evaluation, sire selection and management, and calf fattening. It offers something for the full range of farmers from the beginner to the experienced farmer. Only £28/€35/$39.20.
By Dr Awal Fuseini BSc, MSc, PhD
Highlighting the economic significance of the Halal market and explaining the different Halal slaughter methods, this book explains this important market area, touching on the significance of animal welfare and the benefits of Halal certification to food businesses. Only £35/€43.75/$49.
This book covers the four key areas of calf rearing, Physiology, Feed, Management and Health in an easy to read format. This guide is a must for producers, advisers and all involved in the rearing of calves.
Get it now for only £28/€35/$39.20.
The book gives complete understanding of cell counts, the bacteria that cause them, how infection is spread and most importantly how they are controlled. It is perfect for farmers and vets who are involved in mastitis control.
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Broiler Meat Signals contains practical information about broilers and all further steps in processing. With practical tools and modern insights to guarantee an efficient produced, safe, healthy and tasty product.
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By Oliver Tilling
This book focuses on the key areas of rearing dairy heifers, calving, colostrum, feeding from birth to weaning and weaing to calving, housing, getting the heifer into calf and dealing with disease. It's a guide perfect for Farmers, Students and Advisors. Get it now for just £28/€35/$39.20!
Feeding Animals is Essential For Global Food Security
By Dr. Clifford A. Adams
The AMINO ACIDS Directory
By S J Charlton and Dr W N Ewing
Broiler Nutrition: Masterclass
By Rick Kleyn, Peter Chrystal
Halal Meat Production and Market Opportunities
By Awal Fuseini
Veterinary Guide to Rearing Dairy Heifers
By Oliver Tilling
Broiler Signals Checkbook
By Ton van Schie
Heat Stress in Sport Horses
By Jos Noordhuizen
Layer Signals Checkbook
By Ton van Schie, Piet Simons
Pig Signals 2022 Edition
By Jan Hulsen, Kees Scheepens
Legumes in livestock and fish nutrition
By Gerhard Bellof, Mechthild Freitag
A Handbook for the Sheep Clinician
By Agnes Winter, Dai Grove-White
Advancement of insects as food and feed in a circular economy
By Birgit Rumpold, Ine van der Fels-Klerx, Jeffrey Tomberlin
Aquaculture and Fisheries Biotechnology - Genetic Approaches 3rd Edition
By Rex Dunham
Climate Change on Diseases and Disorders of Finfish in Cage Culture 3rd Edition
By Patrick T.K. Woo, Rohana P. Subasinghe
Environmental effects on gut health in production animals
By Mike Kogut, Mariano Fernandez-Miyakawa
Enzymes in Farm Animal Nutrition 3rd Edition
By Michael R Bedford, Gary Partridge, Carrie L Walk, Milan Hruby
Farm Business Management: The Strategic Farmer
By Peter L Nuthall
Fraser’s The Behaviour and Welfare of the Horse 3rd Edition
By Christopher B Riley, Sharon E Cregier, Andrew Fraser
Genetic Engineering of Vegetable Crops
By Pritam Kalia
Introduction to Animal and Veterinary Anatomy and Physiology - 5th Edition
By Victoria Aspinall, Melanie Cappello
Mineral Nutrition of Livestock, 5th Edition
By Neville Suttle
Pathways to Health and Disease for Dairy Cows
By Rik Hendriks, Arie Brand
Poultry Health - A Guide for Professionals
By Paul Barrow, Venugopal Nair, Susan Baigent, Robert Atterbury, Michael Clark
Pre and Probiotics for Poultry Gut Health
By Helen Masey O'Neill, Emily Burton, Dawn Scholey
Preslaughter handling and slaughter of meat animals
By Luigi Faucitano
Rabbit Production 10th Edition
By Steven Lukefahr, James I McNitt, Peter Robert Cheeke, Nephi Patton
Selenium in ruminant nutrition and health
By Peter Surai
Tail biting in pigs
By Keelin O'Driscoll, Anna Valros
The Basics of Edible Insect Rearing
By T. Veldkamp, J. Claeys, O.L.M. Haenen, J.J.A. van Loon and T. Spranghers
The Concept of Ecostacking
By Jinjun Wang, Huai Liu, Ingeborg Menzler-Hokkanen, Hongbo Jiang
The Encyclopedia of Animal Nutrition
By Clive J C Phillips
Understanding, Assessing and Improving Farm Animal Welfare
By Luc Mounier
Ensilage: Illustrated manual for expert and beginner alike
By Tomas Mitrik
Livestock Handling and Transport - 6th Edition
By Temple Grandin
Mycotoxins: From field to feed
By Regiane Santos
By Robert R Stickney, Delbert Gatlin III
Insects as Animal Feed
By Heidi Hall, Elaine Fitches, Rhonda Smith
Leading Agricultural Bookshop, ‘Growing your Knowledge’ Since 2000. Based in the centre of England, located between Nottingham and Birmingham, we are an independent publisher and Bookshop who work alongside the leading industry experts to provide a wide selection of Agricultural and Nutrition Books in addition to other Technical titles. The aim is to provide high quality titles alongside our own exceptional service to help you grow your knowledge!!
Directory Three Pack
By W N Ewing and S J Charlton
Directory Two Pack
By W N Ewing and S J Charlton
Feeding the Dairy Cow
By A T Chamberlain and J M Wilkinson
Meat Inspection Series 4 Pack
By Andy Grist
Bovine Meat Inspection - 2nd Edition
By Andy Grist
Calf Rearing Guide - Practical & Easy To Use
By S.J. Charlton
Chicken Nutrition: A Guide for Nutritionists and Poultry Professionals
By Rick Kleyn
Dairy Herd Health and Management - Paperback
By Jos Noordhuizen
Dairy Herd Health and Management - Wiro Bound
By Jos Noordhuizen
How To Control Somatic Cell Counts - A Guide to Mastitis
By Peter Edmondson
Mastitis: How to Control Clinical Mastitis
By Peter Edmondson
Nutrition and Climate Change: Major Issues
By Prof J Wood (Ed)
Poultry Inspection
By Andrew Grist
The FEEDS Directory: Commodity Products
By W N Ewing
The FERTILISER Directory Materials Guide
By I Richards
By N Young
By Dr I Richards and Dr A Rainbow
The MINERALS Directory
By S J Charlton and Dr W N Ewing
The Mycotoxin Blue Book
By Edited by Duarte Diaz
The VITAMINS Directory
By S J Charlton and Dr W N Ewing
Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle: Eighth Revised Edition
By Committee on Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle, Board on Agriculture and Natural Resources, Division on Earth and Life Studies
Broiler Signals
By Maarten de Gussem, Koos van Middlekoop
Checkbook Young Stock
By Rikke Engelbrecht
Cow Signals
By Jan Hulsen
Cow Signals Checkbook
By Jan Hulsen
Feeding Signals - A practical guide to feeding dairy cows for health and production
By Jan Hulsen, Dries Aerden & Jack Rodenburg
Introduction to Animal and Veterinary Anatomy and Physiology - 5th Edition
By Victoria Aspinall, Melanie Cappello
Robotic Milking
By Jan Hulsen and Jack Rodenburg
Udder Health
By Jan Hulsen
Udder Health - Large Herd Edition
By Jan Hulsen Theo Lam Ynte H Schukken
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