Breeder Signals contains practical information about broiler breeders to ensure a maximum production of first grade hatching eggs.
Poultry meat will be the most important protein source in human diet within five years. As a consequence, global production of broiler meat is rapidly growing to over 125 million tons broiler meat in 2020. A relatively small number of broiler breeders has a major impact on the whole poultry meat chain. The continuing increase in the genetic potential of broilers makes the production of first class chicks increasingly challenging. State of the art management is crucial for a successful flock. Differences in results up to 10 day-old chicks per hen housed are not rare, costing tens of thousands of euros. Information on these differences is vital to everybody involved in breeding.
Breeder Signals contains practical information about broiler breeders to ensure a maximum production of first grade hatching eggs. With practical tools and modern insights to optimise egg production, fertility, sexual behaviour and hatchability, based on the look-think-act approach. It shows the best start of day-old chicks in a hygienic and healthy surrounding, rearing and the transition to productive broiler breeders. It also gives up to data information about egg handling and storage to maintain hatching egg quality. Both data and practical information provide opportunity for Breeder Signals is a necessity for all people working in the poultry meat chain as breeder farm managers and staff, advisors, veterinaries, students, etc.
This book is part of the Poultry Signals series. You can find all of the books here:
Published: 2020
ISBN: 9789087403324
Type: Hardback
Pages: 164
Language: English
Format: Hardback
Availability: Available
Rick was born in Putten were he also spent his childhood on a farm with dairy, sows and broiler breeders. He graduated in 1990 as a Bachelor in Animal Production and worked as a research assistant for two years at the Poultry Research Center ‘Spelderholt’. Thereafter he joined Cobb-Europe for five years as a technical-commercial adviser. From 1998 he returned as a researcher at ‘Spelderholt’. Here he worked first with laying hens and from 2003 onwards, he focused on broiler breeders. In November 2010, he started his PhD (Feeding the modern broiler breeder) and graduated at 6 February 2015. Currently, Rick is working as a Senior Researcher Poultry at Wageningen Livestock Research intensively with breeders in relation to many topics as nutrition, husbandry, welfare, housing, etc.
Ton van Schie grew up on a dairy farm and studied animal science at Wageningen University. After his studies, he worked in agricultural education and as an agricultural journalist. He had the ideal background to start working at Roodbont Publishers B.V. in 1999. He has been one of the company’s owners since 2010 and is mainly responsible for content production. With the help of his network of experts and his own critical perspective, he combines scientific knowledge with practical experience, text with images, theoretical information with hands-on advice and mixes this all together to create the unique content products for which Roodbont is known. He is the hub in the network of authors, reviewers, illustrators, graphic designers, and translators with only one goal: to make agricultural knowledge accessible to a large audience.
This book weighs: 1150g
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