The colourful guide is a must for producers, advisers and all involved in calf rearing. It is designed to be easy to read while providing the information you require quickly utilising a unique consistent format for each topic.
Calf Rearing Guide is a quick reference, easy to read guide book covering all key areas of Calf rearing, including digestion, nutrition, housing, growth targets, hygeine, pathogens, diseases, health and development. Each page is laid out with bullet points, images, tables, targets and useful check lists in full colour.
This wiro-bound version of the book has the added benefits of lying flat on the desk whilst also being more durable due to its unique plastic wrap around cover. At the back of the book you will find useful unit conversions, and growth targets to help you analyse what stages your herd is at and how best to move forward.
The author, Sally Charlton, has worked in the area of Calf rearing and nutriton for many years and has designed this Calf guide to put the essential facts at your finger tips.
The Calf Rearing Guide is a must read for producers, managers, students, teachers, advisors, veterinarians and other professionals for quick reference information.
Published: 2009
ISBN: 9781899043132
Type: Half Canadian
Pages: 140
Language: English
Format: Half Canadian
Availability: Available
Sally J. Charlton Bsc (Hons) Ani Sci, MSc (Ani Man)
Sally has a first class degree in Animal Science and worked in managerial and advisory positions in the animal feed industry for 18 years. She was a product manager for Trouw Nutrition (a Nutreco company), a leading European manufacturer of premixes and speciality feed. She was a member of the South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions and has been a consultant animal nutritionist in South Africa and Canada involved with premix and milk replacer companies.
Sally has a MSc in Animal Manipulation with McTimoney College of Chiropractic and combines her animal chiropractic with nutrition consultancy.
Sally has written and published three nutritional books with Context Publications. The Minerals Directory, The Vitamins Directory and Calf Rearing Guide that have been circulated worldwide.
This book weighs: 535g
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UK | $6.25 |
Europe | $16.88 |
USA and Canada | $16.25 |
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