Context ship to most Countries globally. If you want to check if we delivery to your Country, email us at Our current delivery rates are based on the total order weight. Prices per book can be obtained from the Delivery Tab within the details of each book, or by logining in, adding all of the books in your to the cart and hitting checkout to see your full delivery cost. Delivery of goods is at the customer's expense and liability.
Non-UK Orders: Delivery is sent "Delivered At Place" or DAP. This means the customer is responsible for any duties and taxes that may be payable to Customs prior to you taking delivery. If you require "Delivered Duties Paid" or DDP, please email us at for a quote.
Delivery dates are only a guide and not legally binding. Context uses standard mail delivery around the world with dispatch by delivery partners including Royal Mail, Fast Despatch Logistics, Landmark Global, DHL UK Parcels, DHL, FedEx, DPD and UPS. Context accepts no liability for deliveries after they leave the UK, and cannot be held liable for any local delays or failures due to customs or local delivery issues.
If one or more items are not available when you place your order, we may hold the order until all stock is available, or dispatch it depending on the time frame for stock to become available. You should receive an email informing you of any delays.
Where guaranteed or courier overseas delivery is required please contact the office (+44 1530 411337 or and for an additional fee a courier can be used and the goods insured.
Goods are supplied on 14 day return basis assuming returned in perfect condition. Context will not be liable for shipment charges on returns or changes in the book prices between sale and return. Goods are only deemed to have been returned when they are signed for by Context at our offices. Replacement can be refused if no longer in stock.
It is the customer's responsibility to provide Context with a full and correct postal address. Context reserve the right to charge for redelivery in the event of incorrect details.
Last Updated: 10/03/2023
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